Wednesday 3 June 2015

Advantages of Educational Technology

Advantages of Educational Technology

1.   Individualized Instruction : Educational Technology is very helpful in individualizing instruction by enabling us to make use of self-instructional programmes.
2.   Improvement in the quality of Teaching “Educational Technology – learning process by enabling us to use more varied, rich and motivational programmes through T.V. and other media.
3.   Meeting the problem of Mass Education :  Educational technology helps in using programmes developed by experts for a large population of students with the use of computer and T.V etc.
4.   Equalizing Educational opportunity Educational Technology assist us in making efforts for equalizing  educational opportunity. Irrespective of economic, social and geographical status of the learners.
5.   Providing continuing Education – T.V. lessons and self instructional programmed material sent to the learners or to in service personnel and vocational workers help them to keep themselves abreast of the latest material.
Systems design or systems approach is a rational problem  - solving  approach in education. It is a way of thinking systematically about learning-teaching process from mere use of certain audio- visual aids at random as an adjunct or aid or the hardware along with non systematic use of software, which has less relevance in a particular situation a more powerful and new system known as systems Technology or systems Approach has come to the aid of those connected with teaching learning systems. System approach involves accurate identification of the requirements and problems. It is the setting of objectives after identifying their needs in performance oriented terms. It is the development of methods for the solution of the problems and the rigorous   measurement of the product against specific performance objective.
The systems approach involves three states of planning and action. They are the systems Analysis, the systems design and the systems Evaluation. During the first stage , the components of the system such as the output, input and process are analyzed. The systems design is meant for synthesizing the results of the analysis made, in the form of a course of action to be executed systems evaluation is meant for the evaluation of the progress in the process of production and is to be done continuously at every stage by getting immediate feedback and evaluating the result on the basis of the predetermined goal.
Role of Teacher in the systems approach
1.   He thoroughly assesses the inputs of his system
2.   He gathers as much data as possible about his subject matter.
3.   He thinks of alternative processes for achieving his objectives
4.   He analysis his objectives into well-defined learning aid tasks.
5.   He makes discussions regarding processes and components based on the best means of furthering the purposes.
6.   He activates the system by putting the plan into action.
7.   He gathers feed back data according and systematically.
8.   He modifies the systems components and processes based on the feedback.
9.   He assesses the effectiveness of the system by comparing the outputs with the inputs.
10.                     He modifies the system based on all resources of feedback.
Advantages of systems approach.
1.   It provides a frame work on which the plans for implementing changes can be built in education.
2.   It assists in identifying the suitability or otherwise of the resource  material to achieve the specific goal.
3.   It assists in assessing the resource needs, their sources and facilities in relation to quantities, time and other factors
4.   It helps in making use of technological advance to provide integration of machines, media and people for attaining the defined goals.
5.   It permits an orderly introduction of components demonstrated to be required for systems success in terms of student learning.
6.   It avoids rigidity in plans of action for continuous evaluation affords desired changes to be made.


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